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In the era of hyper-connectivity and ever-connected smartphones, businesses are actively seeking ways to digitize their workforce management using smartphones.

This article will cover the role of the Mobile Attendance App with Facial Recognition and GPS Attendance features in effectively tracking the attendance of the distributed workforce.

What are the objectives of mobile attendance tracking software?

  1. Capture Time — What is the time of Check-in or Check-out?
  2. Validate person — Is the employee checking in/out is the right person?
  3. Verify Location — Is the location is allowed?
  4. Accurate & Faster — All these should be done in a few seconds with high accuracy.
  5. Live Reporting — Real-time visibility for supervisors, managers and administrators.

How does the mobile attendance app achieve the above objectives?

GPS Based Attendance

This feature allows employers to pre-define the locations like Branch offices, Customer Offices, Worksites using GPS coordinates with a radius (say 250 meters). Employees can check-in using their smartphones once they reach the location. The software then instantly verifies whether the employee’s location is matching with the list of allowed locations set by the Administrator.


Face Recognition in mobile attendance

While check-in using a mobile attendance app, a selfie photo should be taken by the employee. The photo will be instantly compared with the photo maintained by the Administrator or HR. The attendance will be recorded only after the successful face match.

This will eliminate any malpractices like buddy punching without any manual supervision.

Live Reporting

Supervisor or manager can view the attendance status of their team member in real-time using features like Who is In?

It is possible to view the report from various perspective like Department wise, Designation wise, Location wise.


For businesses of any size, implementing online attendance software with mobile features such as GPS attendance, Face recognition has become an essential tool to manage the distributed workforce successfully. 

InnBuilt’s online attendance software offers fully cloud-based attendance tracking solution. It is available in both Web and Mobile.